World Watchers / Job Description
(State: last. Restored.)

Cost center: Research settlement Lantara, department: public eye. IV34 /a

  • Chief Watcher
  • General Watcher
  • Temporary Watcher

The World Watchers are responsible for, that.
  • every day, an excellent irregularity presumably of serious consequences finds its entry on the webcams of the large system (GS) in the logbook.
  • being able to to discern discreet traces from the recorded irregularities which can be followed up by other World Watchers.
  • arising by their researches far-reaching ends about the life on the other side of the GS. (Where is it? Why is it? Do the World Watchers want to go also there?)
Tasks and competences

The World Watchers
  • during a working day take one sighted irregularity each down in the Weblog. (Is alone responsible to the respective World Watcher for the choice.)
  • interlink this entry with the coordinates of the respective webcam in the GS.
  • indicate a time the webcam for the best possible inspection time.
  • last in the other working day provided to this one by the duty rota (Saturday and Sunday are in accordance with §742y rest-days).
  • tidy their cups if they are ready.
  • not discuss during the working time the meaning of the concept irregularity.
Special authorities.

  • Trainees adjust Chief Watchers. (Own application at present not possible.)
This job description becomes effective as of now. It represents the present stand. The Chief Watchers reserve for themselves to adapt conditions changing the place to themselves.

Next revision appointment: 31. 12 1996
Revision number: 056


Translated by linguatec

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